
Fund Raised


Committed Matching Funds

Fulfilling Dreams

Empowering Somali Community

We aim to uplift the Somali community through impactful projects, empowering individuals, and fostering sustainable development.

Clean Water Now Accessible Locally in Biyo Ado

The community project rehabilitated a shallow well and established water kiosks, providing clean water for Biyo Ado residents. This improved access to safe drinking water, reducing the risk of diseases and enhancing the community's quality of life.


Pipeline Supply and Installation Transforms Agriculture in Daawad Village

This community project implemented the Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) system, allowing farmers in Daawad to efficiently manage the supply of water to their farms, significantly improving agricultural productivity.


Community Contributions Provide Shaded Learning Spaces for Students

Students can now enjoy comfortable learning away from the sun and rain after this community project contributed to the rehabilitation of six classrooms in Godane, creating shaded and conducive learning environments.


Ufeyn Community Unites for School Rehabilitation and Infrastructure Improvement

The district of Ufeyn, thriving on livestock, farming, frankincense, and small businesses, has launched a community-driven project to extend and rehabilitate the primary school and improve infrastructure. In 2022, through


Arabsiyo Community Rallies for New Community Center

Arabsiyo, an agricultural district near Hargeisa, engaged in a GENDER-SENSITIVE CLIMATE VULNERABILITY AND CAPACITY ASSESSMENT, identified the need for a community center to foster literacy, support culture, and provide public spaces.


Awgooye Village Community Unites for Essential Infrastructure

Awgooye village, east of Afgoye town, with 400 households reliant on farming and livestock, lacks communal resources like MCH, schools, and markets. Through a participatory approach, the community identified priority projects and plans to raise $9,421, using the Bulshokaab platform for transparent financial tracking and contributions.

About us

Empowering Communities Through Crowdfunding

Bulsho Kaab is a pioneering Somali-based crowdfunding platform designed to enable communities across Somali regions to fund and implement projects that matter most to them. Established with support from the European Union and initiated by SomRep, the platform empowers local communities to take charge of their development by facilitating transparent and accountable crowdfunding. Managed by Shaqodoon Organization, Bulsho Kaab ensures that collective community efforts drive the realization of impactful initiatives, fostering resilience and self-sufficiency.

Our latest Projects

How we work

Giving has never been so easy, transparent or accountable.

  • 01Submitting projects

    Communities (endorsed by their local government) and initatives (endorsed by SomReP) can submit projects to Bulshokaab.

  • 02Collaporation; Selecting the best projects:

    An expert panel reviews and decides whether the project proposals which have been submitted meet the criteria to qualify for funding through BULSHOKAAB.

  • 03Support; Start raising awareness for your project:

    Selected projects will receive a start-up workshop, community will have access to one on-one support on how they can create awareness about their project with support from SomReP.

  • 04Keeping you informed; Accountability and Transparency:

    On Bulshokaab you can see which individual has donated which amount and how the money is used for the project. Besides insight into the financials of each project we also show you what kind of progress the project makes and provide you with regular updates from the project. The community and partners provide regular updates through the platform, so you know how your contribution is making a difference.
